Prevue CRM
Project info
PreuveLogic is a CRM tool that was developed by Tristar in 1999 for it's internal business processes. Over the years Tristar integrated Human Resources, Marketing, Accounting and other tools into the software. And over the past year we've been working on redesiging and rebuilding the software from scratch into a sellable CRM solution.
Our Front-End team is small for this project so it has given me the opportunity to learn and practice some new skills. My responsibilities on this project include Front-End development, UI design, and User Experience design.
Process and Solution
This is the first big and complex web application project I've had the opportunity to work on. It's been an awesome and amazing learning experience so far. We're a small, tight knit development team and I love the work environment and agile development process we have. Requirements change often so it's nice to be able to just walk a couple feet and talk to the programmers face to face.
Before I was even brought over to PrevueLogic the CEO already had a vision, list of requriements, and features for the new version PrevueLogic. So it was my job to design and develop the front-end along with one other designer. I did product and market research, built wireframes, designed the layout and interface, built a live prototype, and work closely with programmers. PrevueLogic hasn't been launched yet so it's an ongoing process. Beta is scheduled to launch this Spring.